In-Vitro Fertilization - Author Prof. Brian Dale

In-Vitro Fertilization - Author Prof. Brian Dale


In addition to hundreds of scientific publications with collaborators from all over the world, Prof. Dale has published several editions of this particular book, in Russian, Arabic and Turkish. The book is a standard text in many universities and is used in the ESHRE curriculum to teach embryologists and nurses the basics of IVF.

Brian Dale, a British national living in Sorrento (Italy), is an internationally renowned scientist specialized in the field of reproduction. He is currently owner and director of the Centre for Assisted Fertilization in Naples and Director of London Fertility Associates Ltd in London..

While working for the Zoological Station in Naples and on leave at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda in 1983, he was credited with identifying a soluble sperm factor responsible for the activation of oocytes. His studies cover animals and humans, from the identification of new ion channels specific for fertilization, the fertilization channels, to the processes that lead to the formation of the human blastocysts.

Dr. Dale has developed and patented equipment with Jacques Cohen that filter and regulate air quality in IVF laboratories (CODA), used all over the world today to improve success rates in human reproductive technologies in vitro. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of the international journal of embryology, Zygote, published by Cambridge University Press, and has been visiting professor and visiting scientist respectively at the University of Western Australia and The National Institutes of Health in the USA.

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